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- It appears that neither Ann Tucker nor her daughter Sophrona ever married, despite each having borne and raised several children. No marriage record was found for either, no census record showed them with a husband, and both of their death records indicated their marital status as single. However, Ann's daughter Sophrona's death record identified her parents as William Tucker and Unknown, her son Benjamin's death record identified his parents as John Tucker & Ann Tucker, and her daughter Sarah's death record identified her mother only by the surname Tucker, with the father's name blank. But all of Ann and Sophrona's children listed with them in the 1880 Census were identified as illegitimate children.
1850 Census, Doddridge Co, Virginia (now West Virginia), enumerated on Aug 5 1850:
Susanna Tucker, 34; Ann, 23; Cassy, 21; Grove S, 6; Emeretta, 5; Frony J, 3; Mary A, 2 months; Jeremiah, 2 months.
1860 Census, Doddridge Co, Virginia (now West Virginia), enumerated on Jun 15 1860:
Ann Tucker, 33; O. S. (male), 16; S. (male), 12; S. (female), 6.
(NOTE: Entry of the initials O. S. for the 16-year-old male is considered to be a clerical error, as the boy is undoubtedly Ann's son Grove S. Tucker. The 12-year-old probably should have been listed as a female, since that would have to be Ann's daughter Sophrona. The 6-year-old female would be Sarah.)
In the adjoining household was the following family, consisting of Ann's parents and other family members:
Wm. Tucker, 72, farmer; Mary, 72; Jeremiah, 45; E J (female), 24; J (male), 10.
1870 Census, Doddridge Co, WV (West Union District), enumerated on Jun 7 1870:
Ann Tucker, 46, weaver & housekeeper; Sophrona J, 23; Sarah, 17; Benj W, 7; John M, 5; Mary I, 6; Taliaferro (male), 3; Thomas, 1. Race of all was white. Notations for Sophrona and Sarah indicated that they were unable to read or write, although Sarah was indicated as having attended school within the past year.
1880 Census, Doddridge Co, WV (West Union District), enumerated on Jun 3 1880:
Ann Tucker, white female, 60, housekeeper, single; bastard son Benj, white male, 16; bastard son John, white male, 14.
In the adjoining household were Ann's daughter Saphrona and five children.