- John R. Bogard was captured by rebels at Greenland Gap, Hampshire/Hardy Co., W. Va., on April 25, 1863. He was part of a prisoners exchange at Harrisburg, Pa., July 28, 1863, and sent back to his regiment. But he later straggled and was recaptured at Cloyds Mountain, Virginia, on May 9, 1864. He died of scorbutus (scurvy) as a prisoner at the Andersonville Prison in Andersonville, Georgia, on Sept. 5, 1864, and is buried in the Andersonville National Cemetery.
From "Civil War Remembrances of Jesse Tyler Sturm, 14th West Virginia Infantry":
"To this end [to assess Gen. William "Grumble" Jones's advance through Greenland Gap. April 25, 1863] he sent Captain [Jacob] Smith of Company A of my regiment to Greenland Gap about 14 miles away to take possession and hold the enemy in check as long as possible and send in information. For this purpose he sent two mounted couriers along with Captain Smith's company. This company was made up in Calhoun [sic; should be Doddridge] County, West Virginia, heavily timbered country that abounded in wild game, both large and small. They were hunters, crack shots and full of courage. ...
"There was a man in Smith's company, John Bogard by name, who was noted for his courage and impulsive disposition. John was the first man to emerge from the smoke and fire to surrender. As he reached the door, gasping for breath, he was met by a rebel soldier who addressed him thus, "Give me that gun you blank blank son of a blank," when Bogard said, "Well, take it, blank blank you," and threw the gun with all his might into the rebel face, killing him instantly. The act was seen by no one on account of the smoke. When General Jones went to receive the surrender, he refused to receive them as prisoners unless Captain Smith produced the identical man that had killed his soldier after the surrender. This Captain Smith could not do, and Bogard would not give himself away, and as most of the guns were thrown back into the fire the man could not be identified by the gun lying in the churchyard. An unforeseen circumstance came to their relief, however. Jones had been foiled in his attempt to surprise Mulligan and would not dare to attack him. Therefore he had to change his plan. He was now compelled to move rapidly if he succeeded at all, and he, being Cavalry, could not move his infantry prisoners with his command, and he had no men to spare to take them a long distance to the rear and was thus compelled to parole them. Thus Bogard escaped a very close call."
Notes |
- John R. Bogard Biography
John R. Bogart (age 29, B-Va.) is listed on the 1850 Doddridge County, (W.) Va., census with his wife, Eliza (age 31, B-Va.), and kids: Emli J.-7, Mary Ellen-6, Phebe E.-3, & Hester A.-10/12 #302-286 Enumerated 8/12/1850 Occupation - Farmer (020 13th District)
John R. Bogard (age 39, B-Va., Farmer) is listed on the 1860 Doddridge County, (P.O. West Union), (W.) Va., census with his wife <<==== daughter , Emily (age 18, B-Va.), and family: Mary E.-16, Prissila-26 (his sister), Phebe-14, H. A.-11 (F), Priscilla-7, Sarah-2, Flumoy-4 (M) (all kids B-VA) #817-818
John R. served in the Civil War (Company A, 14 th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry). He enrolled at West Union, (W.) Va., on Aug. 14, 1862, for a 3 year term, and was mustered into service as a Private at Wheeling, (W.) Va., on Aug. 23, 1862. He was later Corporal in this Company and was commanded by Capt. Smith/Col. Johnson. He was captured by rebels at Greenland Gap, Hampshire/Hardy Co., W. Va., on April 25, 1863. Prisoners exchanged at Harrisburg, Pa., July 28, 1863, and sent back to his regiment. He straggled and was recaptured at Cloyd Mountain, Virginia, on May 9, 1864. He died as a prisoner at the Andersonville Prison in Andersonville, Georgia, on Sept. 5, 1864, from scorbutus (scurvy), and he is buried in the Andersonville National Cemetery (Grave # 7909) in Andersonville, Georgia) (Pension # 121,775)
After John's death, Jesse J. Bogard was appointed guardian of Phebe E. Bogard & Hester A. Bogard, children and heir at law of John R. Bogard, decd, who are over the age of 14; and Priscilla E. Bogard & Sarah E. Bogard, infant children and heirs at law of the said John R. Bogard, decd, and are under the age of 14 years, Together with Levi S. Shinn, his security; dated Feb. 2, 1866. After Jesse J. Bogard's death 11/1868, William S. Jones was appointed guardian for Priscilla E. & Sarah E. Bogard, infant children and heirs at law of John R. Bogard, decd., on June 9, 1870. (Civil War pension records)
Created by MWBarrett44 24 Feb 2010