Sources |
- [S317] West Union Herald-Record, 5/26/1998, p. 13 - Article by VFW Post 3408.
- [S2582] West Virginia Veterans Memorial Archives Database, (
- [S14] Obituary, West Union Herald, 5/10/1945.
- [S2589] World War II and Korean Conflict Veterans Interred Overseas [database on-line], ( and National Archives & Records Administration (NARA)).
- [S14] Obituary, West Union Herald, 5/10/1945.
In its entirety:
"Pfc. Delmer Paul Kelley, Company B, 361st Inf, was killed in action in northern Italy on Sept. 18, 1944, while serving under General Marshall. The platoon to which he was assigned was attacking enemy positions when he was killed by a heavy artillery barrage, being struck by flying shell fragments.
"His body was evaculated and buried in the U.S. military cemetery, in northern Italy.
"At the request of the President, the Purple Heart was awarded posthumously to Pfc. Kelley, and has been received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks E. Kelley of Blandville.
"Pfc. Kelley was born August 7, 1918, on Sugar Camp and spent his life there until called to the service of his country Nov. 4, 1942. He was trained at Camp Carson, Colo., then transferred to Shreveport, La., and from there to Camp Roberts, Calif.
"Besides his parents, he is survived by one brother, Elmer C. Kelley of Toledo, Ohio.
"The parents received the following message from General Marshall:
'Your son fought valiantly in a supreme hour of his country's need. His memory will live in the grateful hearts of our nation.'
"A Christian funeral service was conducted at this grave by a Protestant chaplain."
- [S960] Obituary of mother.
- [S1594] Obituary of brother.
- [S215] The History of Doddridge County, West Virginia, (Taylor Publishing Co, 1979), p. 179.
- [S2582] West Virginia Veterans Memorial Archives Database, (, Plot: D Row: 15 Grave: 2.