Doddridge County Roots

A West Virginia Genealogy

Paul Chester COTTRILL

Paul Chester COTTRILL

Male 1917 - 1944  (~ 26 years)

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  • Name Paul Chester COTTRILL 
    Born Oct 1917  Blandville, Doddridge Co, WV Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3
    Gender Male 
    Military Pfc, 23 Inf Regt, 2 Inf Div, US Army, WW II (KIA, Purple Heart)  [4
    Census 1920, 1930, 1940  New Milton District, Doddridge Co, WV Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Died 11 Sep 1944  Europe Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5
    Buried Brittany American Cemetery, France Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5
    • A member of an infantry regiment in World War II, he died Sep 11 1944 of wounds sustained in action. He had entered the service on Nov 3 1942, trained at Camp Carson, Colorado, and had been overseas since June 1944. His last visit home was in January 1944. He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal. He was a farmer and oil field worker before entering the service. [6]
    Person ID I19346  Doddridge County Roots
    Last Modified 12 Mar 2017 

    Father Arch Rochester COTTRILL,   b. 25 Jun 1892, Greenwood, Doddridge Co, WV Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 31 Oct 1965, Doddridge Co, WV Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 73 years) 
    Mother Hannah Pearl SUTTON,   b. 9 Sep 1892, Blandville, Doddridge Co, WV Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 14 Mar 1974, Clarksburg, Harrison Co, WV Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 81 years) 
    Family ID F6636  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - Oct 1917 - Blandville, Doddridge Co, WV Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBuried - - Brittany American Cemetery, France Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Photos
    Paul C. Cottrill
    Paul C. Cottrill
    Paul C. Cottrill
    Paul C. Cottrill


  • Sources 
    1. [S2569] West Virginia Births Index, 1853-1969 [database on-line], (
      There are two conflicting entries for this birth. Once identifies the child as Paul Chester Cottrill, born 16 Oct 1917 in Blandville, son of Archie & Pearl Cottrill. The other identifies the child as Paul C. Cottrill, born 27 Oct 1918 in Doddridge County, son of Archie Cottrill & Pearl Sutton. "Davis - The Settlers of Salem WV," p. 270, also reports the 16 Oct 1917 date. This would also correspond to his age 2yr 7mo given in the 1920 Census, enumerated in January, which also lists his 2-month-old sister Nadine. The 1930 Census gives his age as 12, while his Army enlistment records shows his birth as in or about 1918. But his obituary states his birth date as 27 Oct 1919, in Blandville. So while his exact birth date is still not entirely clear, the preponderance of the evidence points to October 1917.

    2. [S83] Davis - The Settlers of Salem, West Virginia, Susie Davis Nicholson, (Gordon Printing Co, Strasburg OH, 1979 (Revised & Enlarged) < >), p. 270.

    3. [S2025] 1920 Census, Doddridge County, WV (New Milton District).

    4. [S2582] West Virginia Veterans Memorial Archives Database, (

    5. [S2590] American Battle Monuments Commission, (

    6. [S317] West Union Herald-Record, 5/26/1998, p. 13 - Article by VFW Post 3408.